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2020 South Dakota Hay Trials Summary

Dyna-Cure™ Advanced Hay Conditioner Improves Dry Down, Yield, Nutrient Density and Profitability of Alfalfa

Maintaining alfalfa hay quality and nutritional content during the hay making process is a challenging issue. Leaf loss and plant deterioration during this process contributes to decreased yield, reduced nutritional content and profitability of baled hay.


Dyna-Cure™ is designed to improve the quality, nutrient content and value of hay when used with good management practices.

The nutritional value of alfalfa is at its highest when growing in the field and nutritional losses begin during cutting and swathing.  As the hay dries in the field, environmental and physical actions take place which increase the potential for deterioration of hay quality, nutritional content, palatability and physical texture and appearance. Yield, quality, and nutritional losses during hay processing can range from 10% to over 40% depending on the management practice and environmental conditions.


Increased Hay Value and Profitability with Dyna-Cure™

Dyna-Cure™ application improved the profitability of the alfalfa hay in all five trials averaging $13.20 more income per acre over the control, Table 1. The improved return per acre is a result of increased yield per acre and nutritional content (relative feeding value).      

The Benefits of applying Dyna-Cure™ at the time of cutting include:

·         Reduced drydown time allowing the hay to be baled sooner

·         Increased leaf content, increased protein, reduced ADF and NDF, increased energy and digestability

·         More hay yield per acre

·         Higher feeding value (RFV) and profitability per acre

·         Reduced rain damage losses

Dyna-Cure™ Improves the Quality, Nutrient Content and Value of Hay

Dyna-Cure™ Increases ROI! 

The return on investment (dollars returned per dollar spent) was positive over all five trials and averaged $2.06 returned for each $1 invested, Table 2.

Dyna-Cure™ Increases Yield! 

Hay yield per acre was increased in all five trials averaging 160 lbs. more hay per acre, Table 3.

Dyna-Cure™ Increases RFV! 

Relative feeding value was improved in all trials except trial #1 and #3 which was significantly affected by rain following baling, Table 4.

Dyna-Cure™ Reduces Dry-Down! 

Dyna-Cure™ reduced drying time in the field in all trials averaging 8.38% faster moisture loss. This benefit allows the hay to be baled sooner avoiding bad weather loss and reducing plant damage by extended windrow coverage, Table 5.


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