Objective: To measure the benefits of Ample and MultiGro on yield, root development and plant health in second crop sweet corn.
Trials were conducted at Madison Ranches in Echo, OR on “Circle 25”. “Circle 25” composition is sandy soil. Trial was done as second crop following a field of Timothy grass. Water was readily available and used as needed. The fertility program was the same for the entire area (Per acre: 1.7 gallons of Urea, 16 ounces of Root Rx, 1 pound of Rootex, and 1 pound of TriPlex Micro on July 7, 2019; 25.16 gallons of Urea on August 1, 2019 and 11.78 gallons of Urea on August 16, 2019; also 50 pounds of re-use N applied pre-plant including P, K & S) except the trial area treated with Ample C™ and MultiGro™.
July 7, 2019: 10 ounces of Ample C™ included in planter band, placed 2” below seed.
August 3, 2019: 1st application of MultiGro™ chemigated @ .5 gallons/acre. Plant Height was 18-24”.
August 26, 2019: 2nd application of MultiGro™ chemigated @ .5 gallons/acre. Tassles fully emerged.
Trial One:

Normal fertility program: Average
9.56 oz/cob or 9.56 tons/acre.
Normal fertility program with
Ample C™ and MultiGro™:
Average: 11.56 oz/cob or 11.56 tons/acre.
Two tons better results @ $87/ton: $174
Cost of Ample C™ and MultiGro™: $23.45
Net ROI: $150.55 (6.42:1)
Net ROI (125 acre pivot): $18,818.75.
Avg 9.56 oz x 32,000 plants per acre = 305,920 oz / 16 oz per lb = 19,120 lbs per acre 19,120 / 2000 lbs per ton = 9.56 tons per acre
Avg 11.56 oz x 32,000 plants per acre = 369,920 oz / 16 oz per lb = 23,120 lbs per acre 23,120 / 2000 lbs per ton = 11.56 tons per acre

Trial Two:

Normal fertility program: Average 9.15 oz/cob or 9.15 tons/acre.
Normal fertility program with Ample C™ and MultiGro™: Average 11.41 oz/cob or 11.41 tons/acre.
2.26 tons better results @ $87/ton: $192.62
Cost of Ample C™ and MultiGro™: $23.45
Net ROI: $173.17 (7.38:1)
Net ROI (125 acre pivot): $21,646.25.
Avg 9.15 oz x 32,000 plants per acre = 292, 800 oz / 16 oz per lb = 18,300 lbs per acre 18,300 / 2000 lbs per ton = 9.15 tons per acre
Avg 11.41 oz x 32,000 plants per acre – 365,120 oz / 16 oz per lb = 22,820 lbs per acre 22,820 / 2000 lbs per ton = 11.41 tons per acre

(left) Treated cob on right as increase in size and kernel depth.
(right) Four cobs on left from treated area, Four cobs on right from untreated area, showing increased length and diameter. Untreated cobs also show worm pressure.
Application of Ample C at 10 ounces per acre and MultiGrow with two .5 gallon applications per acre resulted in significant increases in sweet corn yield, ear size and root mass. Profitability was increased by by $150.55 per acre in trial one and $173.17 per acre in trial two.

Two weeks after plant date (7/21). Randomly chosen by the grower.

Root mass 2-3 times on treated vs. untreated.

MultiGro™ is a field-ready foliar containing essential micronutrients and specific plant stimulants.

Ample C™ is the foundation of KeyAg’s line of plant health products. This proprietary blend of nutrients is a highly effective microbial growth stimulant for seeds and plants. Promotes crop vigor and yield through improved seed germination, increased root mass development, accelerated microbial activity and
enhanced nutrient uptake.

Providing Valuable Nutrients for Crops and Livestock